JishinAlert coming soon™

Japan earthquake monitoring app for Android that delivers you fast and accurate information. Powered by NIED's dense seismometers network across Japan.

Earthquake Early Warnings

Receive fast Earthquake Early Warnings directly on your device, with little battery usage.

Real-time Seismic Monitor

Zoom into your location, or pan across the country to view the progress of an earthquake in real time.

Detailed Earthquake Information

View detailed seismic intensity, tsunami and other information of an earthquake, right in the app.

Tsunami Warnings

A tsunami might be created following an earthquake or other events such as volcanic eruptions. JishinAlert displays warning and tsunami information in an easy to understand manner.

Fast and accurate notifications

The timeframe between an Earthquake Early Warning and the arrival of strong tremors can be as narrow as a few seconds. With this app, you can get warnings and information delivered to you instantly for you to be prepared.

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